Introduction to our learning platform ILIAS - video tutorial

This video tutorial takes about 30 min. and provides you with important basics for using our learning platform ILIAS.

What is "ILIAS"?

ILIAS is the learning platform of the FH Vorarlberg. It offers teachers and students a variety of possibilities for digital support of courses.

Preconditions for using ILIAS

To use ILIAS you need:
  • an active user account at the FH Vorarlberg (user name and password)
  • an active Internet connection
  • a browser - preferably Firefox, Chrome or Safari

Video tutorial - Hints for use

The video tutorial consists of a screen video of about 20 minutes. It demonstrates the basics of ILIAS and it is divided into individual sections that can be accessed via a table of contents. To display the table of contents please click on the corresponding icon on the bottom right:
Show table of contents of the video
To get the most out of the video tutorial, it is best to open ILIAS in two browser windows. Play the video in one window and in the other window follow the steps shown in the video if possible.

Start video tutorial