Learning Module // ILIAS@FHV – Introduction to ILIAS


What is ILIAS?

ILIAS [1] is the learning platform of the FH Vorarlberg. All courses of the FH Vorarlberg are represented in this learning platform. ILIAS is a powerful and flexible tool for online-supported teaching, learning and cooperation. Teachers can combine a multitude of ILIAS objects in their courses according to individual wishes and needs. ILIAS is widely used at universities as well as in companies. In this introduction you will learn the most important basics of using ILIAS.
ILIAS offers a number of tools and functions for the digital support of courses, for example:
  • Filemanagement
  • "Group emails"
  • Forums
  • hand-in-Tool
  • Online-Tests
  • Voting (also "live votes")
  • Surveys
  • Creation of online content (as wiki, blog, "online book", photo gallery, etc.)
  • Collaborative work on text documents ("Etherpad)
  • etc.

What ILIAS is not

ILIAS does not provide features for conducting video conferences or IP telephony. For these scenarios, please use Microsoft Teams.

[1] ILIAS stands for Integrated Learning, Information, and Work Cooperation System and has been developed at the University of Cologne since 1997. Since 2009, the non-profit association ILIAS open source e-Learning e.V. coordinates the development of ILIAS. ILIAS is open source and is licensed under the GNU General Public License. More information about ILIAS at http://www.ilias.de

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