
PressReader via Shibboleth

Shibboleth allows access without a VPN connection. Members of the FH Vorarlberg can log in with their login data (user name / password) and thus use the resource.
Open and click on "Sign in".
Select "Library or Group".
Search for "Vorarlberg" and select "Library - Fachhochschule Vorarlberg GmbH".
Confirm the login by clicking on "Sign in".
Search again for "Vorarlberg" and select the "Fachhochschule Vorarlberg".
Sign in now with your FH Vorarlberg login data and then click on "Anmelden".
Enter your FH Vorarlberg login data again and then click on "Anmelden".
You have successfully logged in and can now use the contents of PressReader via the license of the FH Vorarlberg!

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